GSL Founder Quoted on U.S. Supreme Court Decision West Virginia v. EPA
On June 30, 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court released its opinion in West Virginia v. EPA concluding that the Environmental Protection Agency lacked authority under the Clean Air Act to adopt the Clean Power Plan. POWER Magazine’s article addressing the decision quotes Good Steward Legal founder Jared Wigginton alongside chief executive officers of several prominent national associations, including the American Clean Power Association and the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association.
“‘Over the past four months, there has been a lot of doom and gloom circulating among lawyers and the press about what the resolution of this case might mean more broadly for our administrative state,’” said Jared Wigginton, founding attorney with Montana-based Good Steward Legal. Wigginton told POWER, “‘Based on the court’s decision, these concerns were legitimate—the court not only kneecapped EPA’s ability to address climate change under the Clean Air Act [CAA] but also has laid the groundwork to hamstring other agencies going forward.’”
“‘Consistent with what the justices telegraphed during arguments, one clear purpose in granting certiorari in this case was to have an opportunity to clarify the scope and application of the major questions doctrine,’” said Wigginton. “‘Justice Roberts writing for the majority has done just that, laying out the framework of factors for determining whether an agency action involves a major question and also delineating considerations for determining whether ‘a clear congressional statement authorizing that action exists in the relevant statute.’”
The full article is available to read here.