NMFS Begins NEPA Process for Aquaculture Opportunity Areas in the Gulf of Mexico

On June 1, 2022, the National Marine Fisheries Service published a notice of intent (“NOI”) to prepare a programmatic environmental impact statement (“PEIS”) for Aquaculture Opportunity Areas (“AOAs”) in the Gulf of Mexico. 87 Fed. Reg. 33,124. The purpose of the PEIS is to “support long-term planning for offshore aquaculture” by analyzing potential locations of one or more AOAs and identifying the types of impacts associated with future aquaculture projects in these locations.

NMFS has issued this NOI to comply with Executive Order 13921 (“E.O. 13921”). In light of increased demand for seafood and to address interests and concerns about offshore aquaculture siting, E.O. 13921 instructs the agency to identify 10 AOAs within the next seven years. NMFS has identified nine 500- to 2,000-acre AOA options within federal waters in the Gulf of Mexico—three off the coast of Texas, another three off the coast of Louisiana, and the final three off the west coast of Florida.

The comments received during the public scoping period will be crucial in determining the number and scope of alternatives explored along with selected locations. The 60-day public scoping period began on June 1, 2022 and will close on August 1, 2022. The PEIS planning process is expected to take 2 years and the final publication is scheduled for spring 2024 with a record of decision to follow no sooner than 30 days later.

If you have any questions about this notice or other legal issues related to aquaculture, please contact Jared Wigginton at jared@goodstewardlegal.com.


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